Hi, my name is Grant Young and I am the Health & Safety Advisor here at EAG. On the 8th of June this year I will be undertaking a 54 mile yomp for charity. This will be across the Scottish Cairngorms and has to be completed in 24 hours.

The charity event is (ABF)The Soldiers’ Charity collecting donations for military families who have lost family members and for old veterans and personnel that are now incapacitated in some way.

I hope some of you will be willing to support me and give a donation. This can be done by clicking on to the link below which will take you direct to my sponsor page. Those of you that sponsor please also leave a message on the page so that I know who you are. I commenced my training for the event during December 2018. I have now reach my target training of 39 mile which was completed in 15 hours on Saturday 18th May, 10 of those were in the dark

Thanking you in advance for anything that you can give.

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